Heroin Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment

detox from heroin

Continuing to use heroin poses much more fatal risks than withdrawing from it. Unlike alcohol withdrawal, it isn’t the withdrawal process itself that’s dangerous with heroin. However, some people have died from the dehydration that comes with some of the above symptoms, particularly vomiting and diarrhea. Most people view heroin withdrawal as non-life-threatening — and for the most part, it is. However, some experts say that we underestimate the risk of death or serious health complications from heroin withdrawal and it is something we need to pay attention to. This slowing down results in feeling “high” and drowsy, with slowed respiration and heart rate.

  1. Symptoms of heroin withdrawal can begin within six to 12 hours of a person’s last use and last for up to one week.
  2. This allows the body to replace fluids lost through sweating or diarrhea.
  3. This is called hypoxia and can happen if you take large doses of any opioid drug, but the chances are higher with synthetic opioids such as heroin or fentanyl.
  4. The important thing to remember is that the risks of heroin withdrawal are all treatable.
  5. Experts say this medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the “gold standard” of care for people who have heroin addiction.


Usually, heroin comes in small “caps” that are just enough for one use or injection. The drug itself may come in aluminum foil packages (called foils) or in tiny balloons. Heroin is a drug that comes from a flower, the opium poppy, which usually grows in Mexico, Asia, and South America. It’s very addictive and has been illegal in the United States since 1924. It can look like a white or brown powder or a sticky black tar. It’s also called horse, smack, junk, and brown sugar, among other names.

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

Talk to your doctor or go to a substance use clinic if you can’t stop using heroin on your own or you’re afraid of what might happen to your body and mind once you quit. Medication can help tharros house lessen your drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Prenatal care may lessen the chances your baby will have serious health problems from your heroin use. But newborns with NAS typically need medical treatment to lessen symptoms. Your doctor may give your child drugs such as morphine or methadone to ease them off heroin safely.

detox from heroin

The symptoms are so painful that few people are capable of powering through opioid withdrawal. Harm reduction isn’t a treatment for heroin withdrawal or addiction; however, it’s an important service that individuals who use heroin should be aware of. Many of the health risks that come with using heroin are due to injecting the drug, since the process can lead to medical complications like collapsed veins. Treating the addiction without treating the mental illness at the same time is likely to lead to relapse down the line. The best and most effective way to use the above medications is as part of a comprehensive treatment program called medication-assisted treatment, or MAT.

Then, for several hours, you may what is salvia trip feel as if the world has slowed down. Some people who use heroin say you feel like you’re in a dream. Black tar heroin is sold most often in areas of the U.S. west of the Mississippi River.

Medications Used During Heroin Detox

If the same dose liquor storage ideas they took before they went through withdrawal is taken again after or during, there is a strong chance of an accidental overdose. When people stop using heroin, they will experience withdrawal symptoms if they have become physically dependent on the substance. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are among the most painful withdrawal symptoms caused by drug addiction. But they aren’t insurmountable, and people going through withdrawal don’t have to try to power through the symptoms on their own. Help is available to ease the recovery process and prevent relapse.

Symptoms can also be caused by disrupted bodily processes as heroin levels in your body decrease. While heroin is in your system, your body incorporates it into its balance. Suddenly stopping or decreasing the amount of heroin you’re using will send out the alert you need more. Withdrawal symptoms can range in intensity from mild to severe, and often vary from person to person.

This is what causes people withdrawing from heroin to feel “dope sick” and experience symptoms like jitteriness, shaking, and anxiety. It is this process that usually keeps people locked in their addiction; whenever they try to stop, the withdrawal symptoms feel too torturous to bear. Medications can make it easier to wean your body off heroin and reduce cravings. Buprenorphine and methadone work in a similar way to heroin, binding to cells in your brain called opioid receptors. Naltrexone blocks those receptors so opioids like heroin don’t have any effect.